FAQ: What is the best pre-law degree?

For a lot of lawyers, the dream starts early. Preparation for the legal profession does not start in law school; it starts with the pre-law course. One of the most frequently asked questions: What is the best pre-law degree? Here’s the answer.

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There’s none.

No course is better than another course. Cliche as it may sound, it all depends on the student. However, it cannot be denied that a course may provide an advantage over another, and realistically, these advantages exist, and this is what we are going to tackle.

#1 – Your pre-law degree would play a great role in your career as a lawyer.

The practice of law is a vast practice. Lawyering is not limited to fancy litigation we see in TV. Lawyering touches almost every aspect in our lives. It affects our health, our property, our businesses, our education, our society, and our government. Choosing your pre-law degree would help you choose which field you intend to specialize as a lawyer.

For Business graduates, corporate law might be a good niche. For Criminology graduates, criminal law would be fulfilling. For Political Science graduates, becoming a lawmaker, or advising one, would be very useful.

Always mind that it is not always the case that your pre-law degree would dictate your future in the profession, but it is certainly an advantage if your pre-law degree is aligned with your intended specialization in the practice of law.

#2 – Do not mind if you will not have law subjects in your pre-law

Don’t mind if you are a dentistry or a nursing graduate with only Constitution and Nursing/Dental Laws as your only law subjects. Do not mind if your think your course is remotely law-related. Of course, you’ll pale in comparison with Legal Management graduates in terms of background knowledge during Day 1, but learning law is a continuous process to which you can catch up.

The good thing about being in a course with no or little law subjects is that every lesson in law school is new, value-adding, and a supplement to your ever-growing knowledge set. It is not merely a repetition of what you have already learned, but a fresh new batch of information building the lawyer in you. You bring your medical knowledge with you and then you add your legal knowledge — you’ll have the best of both worlds.

#3 – Follow what your heart desires

Another line out of the movies, yes, I know. However, this still very well applies with law school.

Choose a Bachelor’s degree that fits your liking. Don’t take a Bachelor’s degree *just because* you are preparing for law school. If you loathe your Bachelor’s degree, it will ruin your discipline as early as your undergraduate days, and that is a bad precedent for law school. You need to be in good shape by the time you enter law school — you have to be used to studying; you have to love your student life.

Go take Architecture. Go take Fine Arts. Go take Broadcasting. Pursue your passion; it does not make you less of a lawyer when you pass the Bar anyway. There are few architect-lawyers, or broadcaster-lawyers, and that will be your advantage.

FINAL WORD: Go take any Bachelor’s degree. Your success is not determined by your Bachelor’s degree, but it is determined by your discipline and determination to become a lawyer.

READ: Is the pre-law degree really required?

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